Wednesday, February 9, 2011


After teaching 3 back to back to back kindergarten classes at school today, I had the pleasure of meeting with Elliot Curtis- the founder of a program called "SNEAKEROLOGY" - the worlds first college accredited course dedicated to sneaker design (which I deemed the "grown up" version of Walkin' The Tightrope). How awesome? Although there is an unquestionable difference between Carnegie Mellon University college students and John Marshall Elementary students, it was great to touch base with someone local who shares such similar passions and aspirations.

As Elliot and I bounced ideas back and fourth for the exhibition on March 5th, it helped me further realize just how much work has to get done between now and then! So...I turn to YOU. 

If anyone would be interested in volunteering at our event on March 5th from 4-8pm, we need all hands on deck! 

Please feel free to contact me to discuss exactly how you can be of assistance:

Thank you everyone!!!

*Thanks to Elliot for meeting today- you are great!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Liv,

    Lisa, Weston and Nicholas sure do LOVE your blog! So great to see all this creative sneaker work! Can we buy a pair? Weston loved the one with the flames! Such great work from everyone!
